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My last blog post saved as an empty page (thank you Georgina for letting me know), so hopefully this one will pop up ok for you.
First, a little breast enhancer update -
I can now expand on that information, and let you know that style 12 should be here this week, and I shall check them in and pop them on the site as soon as possible.
In other news, it was a Feminist Icon article that I'd written for you that didn't save, so I'll get another one added soon. I do like to write about them occasionally, and I find it very interesting myself to do the research.
Finally, to let you know what I am up to behind the scenes, besides the usual day-to-day activities, I am currently working on my stock software to make sure it is accurate. I've been using it since November 2019, and I've realised that due to the very complicated setup I have (mainly due to products being added on to other products), the stock numbers I have are not accurate. This of course affects my accounting side of things, but also affects you, as I can't be sure what the stock levels are. I've uncovered some bigger issues hidden underneath that too, which means it's time to delve deeper into it. I can't delay any longer and must figure them out and address them, to make sure it is all working well. It's a huge job! I like a challenge and a puzzle, but some of this has me stumped. Where can an entire box of fashion tape vanish to? Answers on a postcard please! :)