Posted on
Well now Brexit is a word that has been EVERYWHERE hasn't it?!
Don't worry I am not going to get policial. I just want to say that I love you all. I have seen the media full of so many appalling hate crimes, You Tube videos of abuse, stories of leaflet passing out telling people to go home etc. It's hard to know what to say other than it is so wrong. It seems it has become a time that people feel their prejudices can be aired loudly, and with the comments coming from Donald Trump, it's not a good time for love, acceptance and unity.
I want you all to know that I love helping you all.
I am happy to help you if you are from the EU, from another country out of the EU, are white/black/brown/blue/green or pink (or any other colour for that matter), if English isn't your first language and we need to use a bit of Google translate, if you are from the north of the UK right down to me here on the south coast. I'd love to help you if you are a teenager in need of confidence and support, a young clubber looking to dazzle, someone who is feeling they need a confidence boost for work, if you have asymmetrical breasts and would like to be evened out, if you have breastfeeding boobs that are in need of some love, if you are someone wanting to restore some fullness to the breast and I would especially love to help more Grannies feel fabulous at their Grandson's wedding (true story!). If you are heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, identify as a woman or a man, a transvestite, transexual or unsure - I am here for you. If you are shy, uncertain, confused and in need of support and guidance - I am here for you.
I am here for you all.
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