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» Listings for December 2023

  1. Happy bit after Christmas! I hope you all have been having a wonderful time.

    I spent this Christmas listening to Bill Bryson's book about Christmas on Audible, so I am going to share a few here. I just love knowledge and history (yes, I know I say that a lot!) and Google do like me to update my site with content, so here are some Christmas facts! 

    1. Ancient Origins: The roots of Christmas celebrations can be traced back to ancient pagan festivals that celebrated the winter solstice, such as the Roman Saturnalia and the Germanic Yule.

    2. Christian Adaptation: Christmas as we know it today was adapted by early Christians to coincide with these pagan festivals, with December 25th chosen as the date to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.

    3. Oliver Cromwell's Ban: In the 17th century, Christmas celebrations were banned in England by Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans, who viewed the holiday as too frivolous and pagan in nature. They weren't a lot of fun, those Puritans!

    4. Dickensian Influence: Charles Dickens played a significant role in shaping modern Christmas traditions with his novella "A Christmas Carol," which popularized themes of charity, family, and redemption. It is a myth however that he "invented Christmas". It's true that it had been on the decline in the years before, but it was already seeing a resurgence of celebration and Dickens capitalised on that. 

    5. Royal Christmas Trees: The tradition of decorating Christmas trees in Britain can be traced back to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, who popularized the custom in the 19th century after they were depicted with a decorated tree in an illustration for the Illustrated London News. They wanted to promote family life, and what better than a happy family picture around a Christmas tree. 

    6. Mince Pies: Traditional British mince pies originally contained meat, such as beef or mutton, along with fruits and spices. It makes me think of the Friends episode with the Rachel and the meat trifle! Over time, the recipe evolved to exclude meat, becoming the sweet, fruit-filled treat that most of you enjoy today, just not me! 

    7. Boxing Day: December 26th, known as Boxing Day in the UK, has its origins in the practice of giving boxes of gifts or money to servants and tradespeople as a token of appreciation for their service throughout the year.

    8. Christmas Crackers: The tradition of pulling Christmas crackers, which contain paper hats, jokes, and small toys, originated in the mid-19th century by British confectioner Tom Smith, who was inspired by French bonbons wrapped in paper twists. 


    1. Coca-Cola Santa: While Coca-Cola's advertising campaigns in the 20th century did contribute to popularizing the image of Santa Claus in a red suit, the character himself predates these advertisements by centuries, originating from the figure of Saint Nicholas.

    2. Christmas in Bethlehem: Despite popular belief, historical evidence suggests that Jesus was likely born in the spring or summer, rather than on December 25th. The choice of December 25th as the date for Christmas was influenced by the timing of pagan festivals celebrating the winter solstice.

    I'm sure there were a lot more, but I can't remember any more alas. That *may* be the mulled wine! 

  2. Embracing Truth: A Journey of Self-Discovery

    In the heart of a bustling city, amidst the chaotic symphony of honking cars and hurried footsteps, there lived a soul named Alex. From the outside, Alex appeared like any other person, but inside, she harbored a secret—a truth waiting to be unveiled.

    Born into a body that didn't quite match her essence, Alex grappled with her identity for years. It wasn't until she stumbled upon the word "transgender" that a glimmer of understanding illuminated her path. With each step forward, she shed the weight of societal expectations and embraced her true self—a woman trapped in a man's body.

    The journey to self-acceptance was not without its challenges. Alex faced skepticism from those around her, including friends and family who struggled to comprehend her truth. Yet, amidst the doubts and uncertainties, she found solace in the unwavering support of a few cherished souls.

    One such beacon of light was Maya, a transgender woman who had traversed a similar path. Maya became Alex's mentor, guiding her through the complexities of transitioning and offering a shoulder to lean on during the darkest of days. With Maya's encouragement, Alex found the courage to embark on the journey of a lifetime—a journey toward authenticity and freedom.

    As Alex navigated the maze of medical appointments and legal paperwork, she discovered a newfound sense of empowerment coursing through her veins. Each hormone treatment and therapy session brought her one step closer to aligning her outer appearance with her inner truth. And with each passing day, Alex shed the layers of doubt and insecurity that had plagued her for so long.

    But the true test of her resilience came when she decided to publicly embrace her identity. With trembling hands and a heart pounding with anticipation, Alex stood before a crowd of strangers and declared, "My name is Alex, and I am a woman."

    The room fell silent as Alex's words hung in the air, but instead of scorn or ridicule, she was met with an outpouring of love and acceptance. Tears of joy streamed down her cheeks as she realized that she was not alone—that there were others who understood her journey and stood beside her, ready to lift her up in times of need.

    From that moment on, Alex lived her truth unabashedly, embracing every facet of her identity with pride and defiance. She refused to be confined by society's narrow definitions of gender, choosing instead to carve out her own path—a path paved with courage, compassion, and unwavering authenticity.

    In the years that followed, Alex became a beacon of hope for others struggling to find their place in a world that often seemed indifferent to their existence. She used her voice to advocate for transgender rights, speaking out against discrimination and inequality with a fierce determination that could not be silenced.

    But perhaps the most powerful lesson Alex learned on her journey was the importance of self-love. For it was in accepting herself fully and unconditionally that she found the strength to weather life's storms and emerge stronger than ever before.

    And so, dear reader, remember this: No matter who you are or where you come from, your truth is valid, and your journey is worthy of celebration. Embrace it with open arms, and know that you are never alone. For in the vast tapestry of humanity, there is a place for each and every one of us—a place where we can shine brightly and live our lives authentically, just like Alex.